Green Superfoods
products derived from green plants, algae and cereal grasses provide us with
one of natures most vitamin-blessed sources of full-spectrum nourishment.
With their exceedingly high concentrations of chlorophyll, vitamins, minerals,
amino acids, enzymes and plant sterols, these seasonly harvested superfoods
are abundant in immune-boosting, energy-producing nutrients. Credence Green
Superfoods can serve as a welcome addition to any healthy lifestyle.
click on an image below for even more information (will open in
a new browser window)
diet and lifestyle subjects you may want to know more about (click
on a subject from the list or scroll down)
Krill oil, like fish oil, contains omega-3 fats such as eicosapentanoic acid
(EPA) and docosahexanoic acid (DHA). However, in fish oil, these omega-3 fats
are found in the triglyceride form. In krill oil, they are found in a double
chain phospholipid structure. The fats in human cell walls are in the phospholipid
natural 'statin'
When combined with the plant sterol, beta-sitosterol, allicin has been found
to have marked anti-cholesterol properties. Beta-sitosterol is one of hundreds
of plant-derived 'sterol' compounds that have structural similarity to the cholesterol
made in our bodies. In addition, this potent combination appears to modulate
immune function, inflammation and pain levels through their effects on controlling
the production of inflammatory cytokines.
E-400 (Natural Vitamin E) softgels are a great way to incorporate more vitamin
E into your diet. They provide vital support and aid regulation of the heart
and cardiovascular system, as well as protection and reduction of scarring and
inflammation from lacerations, burns and skin damage. It also has effective
anti-coagulant properties.
Most adults are vitamin D-deficient because they have been told the sun is dangerous
and could kill them. Worse, many live in areas of the planet where it is simply
not possible to make vitamin D for many months of the year. Yet vitamin D is
vital to the proper functioning of the immune system. In The Essential Guide
to Vitamin D, Phillip sorts the facts from the myths about this much-misunderstood
pre-hormone and shows how you can simply and cheaply optimise your vitamin D
levels to maximise the effect of your immune system.
(Vitamin B3)
Studies show that niacin lowers LDL cholesterol, raises HDL cholesterol,
and plays a major part in the production of hormones and chemical messengers.
By supporting healthy brain function, niacin can also aid those fighting depression,
schizophrenia and other psychotic behaviour.
As Phillip discusses in the film, vitamin C is vital to maintain healthy arteries
as well as for many other important functions in the body. Since the human body
cannot manufacture its own supplies, our only source of vitamin C is dietary.
Cooking kills vitamin C. Get the total briefing on this most vital of nutrients
from Phillip Day and Nicholas Cockayne's excellent primer, The Essential
Guide to Vitamin C.
oF Disease
Obtain Phillip Day's detailed plan for preventing and treating cardiovascular
disease in his masterful The ABC's of Disease. In this enthralling work,
Phillip catalogues the problems and offers bullet-point strategies to combat
today's leading disease killers and many other non-fatal disorders. These are
the life-saving tactics employed by some of the most successful clinics in the
world today.
D handbook
for Thought
So you currently live on a typical western diet. Use the transitional recipes
in Food For Thought to switch over to a more healthy way of eating. The goal
is 60%+ raw food, 80%+ plant-based, moving to 100% raw and plant-based for optimal
results. This important lifestyle change is a process and an education. Food
for Thought will show you how.
your life, lose any excess weight effortlessly, strip out cholesterol, normalise
blood pressure, boost energy levels, avoid or repair disease and add years to
your life. Sound like a magic pill? This is what raw, whole foods can do for
you. The Credence Online Supermarket gives you dozens of ideas for additions
to soups, salads and other dishes. Don't have an imagination lobotomy, get stuffed
with the right stuff :)
Wars by Phillip Day
One of the most important books to come out in the new millennium, Health Wars
tears the lid off the inexcusable medical and corporate scandals daily harming
the public. This book also reports on the breakthroughs in cancer, heart disease
and other illnesses using nutrition, showing how changes can be employed to
great effect in restoring health.
the Heart of Garlic by Peter Josling
Welcome to fascinating research that explains and celebrates the scientific
secrets behind garlic. Discover how a wide range of ailments, especially microbial
diseases, can be helped by allicin, the chemical heart of garlic.
Welcome to the film that everyone is talking about! Food Matters gives you the
facts you need to make the best choices for you and your family. In this day
and age with so many companies profiting from your misfortune and ill-health,
the information in this documentary will help keep the money in your pocket
and health in your body. Join the worlds leading authorities on nutrition
and natural healing as they uncover the true cause of disease. Find out what
works, what doesnt, whats likely to kill you, and how to steer clear
of the minefields.
Essential Guide to Water and Salt by F. Batmanghelidj and Philip Day "Water is a readily available natural madicine for some prevalent and
very serious medical conditions that are knownt kill many thousands of people
every year..In my scientific view, dehydration is the biggest killer, more than
any other condition you could imagine". - F. Batmanghelidj
in the Home
Phillip Day's 'Healing in the Home' tour presentation on two audio CDs. Total
running time 135 minutes. Also available in downloadable
Little Book of Attitude
21st Century life is fast, furious and, according to the mental health industry,
will claim one in four of us with a mental illness at some point
in our lives. Today, millions of children are medicated for problems only
drugs can solve. So, are we mad? We certainly look mad ...
Bounce Balls are a great way to add zest to any raw meal. Our spirulina and
ginseng Bounce Ball especially is rich in naturally present antioxidants and
vitamins. Spirulina helps boost the immune system and is a complete protein,
rich in iron and fibre.
Ubiquinol contains the reduced form of CoQ10, which has been shown in scientific
studies to be a highly bio-available and active antioxidant form of CoQ10. The
addition of MCT Oil (medium chain triglycerides) to this product naturally improves
its solubility, which further enhances intestinal absorption. For individuals
who are aged 35+, ubiquinol is likely more beneficial than CoQ10 since the bodys
ability to produce CoQ10 and convert it into ubiquinol is diminishedg